vita ︎
Denise Bettelyoun
︎ 1967 Heidelberg ︎ daughter of an Oglala-Sioux-Indian & a german mother ︎
Studies of Art-History, English and Archeology at the Universities of Kiel and Heidelberg/ GermanyStudies of Visual Communications and Design with a major in fine art at the Art Academy Hochschule für Gestaltung (HfG) Offenbach a.M. / Frankfurt/ Germany
Graduation as „Designer of Visual Communications.” (1,3)
Doctorate-Studies/ Thesis at Leibniz Universität/ Hannover & Royal College of Art/ London. Doctormothers being the two artists Freddie Robins & Prof. Dr. Eva von Koethen. The title of my thesis is ”Entwinements – Phenomenology of Textile Techniques in the 21st Century”
German title ”Verstrickungen – Zur Phänomenologie einer textilen Technik im 21. Jahrhundert” Research-Scholarship of the Andrea von Braun Foundation/ Munich
exhibition curator
>Entlang des Fadens< in which I was one of the three curators and held the opening speech with the Major of Darmstadt, Jochen Partsch/ Darmstadt/ Kennedy House – It dealt with the textile media und textile techniques in artwork of the 21st century and featured such artists as Josef Beuys; Cao Guimares; Freddie Robins; Jochen Flinzer; Anila Rubiku; Annegret Soltau; Patricia Waller – to name a few. This exhibition had over 5000 visitors and was closely connected to my thesis research.
professional artist since 1994
represented by the Gallery Thomas HühsamFrankfurter Straße 61, 63067 Offenbach am Main
+49 (0) 69 81 00 44,
tutor / lecturer / professor
Junior professor and lecturer at:·HfG-Offenbach a.M./ / Art-Academy
·Hochschule für Kunsttherapie / Nürtingen/ Art-Therapy-University
·Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Umwelt/ Nürtingen/ University of Nürtingen
·Freie Kunsthochschule FKN/ Nürtingen/ Art-Academy
·2017 Invitation amongst five candidates, to Hearing for the W3-Textile Professor of Art at the Mozarteum/ Salzburg/ Austria

free-lance lecturer
Bookable Free-Lance lecturer for art classes, art workshops, art seminars and speeches dealing with artistic practice, artistic research and textile media of art. Find out more at > workshops < or send an email to > <
Freddie Robins, Artist and Senior Tutor/ PhD Student Supervisor - Textiles, School of Material, Royal College of Art
“Bettelyoun’s practical and theoretical background, as an artist and scientist, is unusual, but truly interdisciplinary. As an artist working with knitting Bettelyoun brings an individual approach and voice to the research. She “knows” knitting, in a material and physical way, that other purely theory based researchers wouldn’t. This research has developed from, and through, a material artistic practice. Her creative practice has led her to ask her research questions and then find a method for answering them. Her aim is to clarify the significance of the phenomena and to generate a theory that is able to do justice to their overall cultural meaning. She aims to overcome the marginalization of this field of research and further the recognition of the cultural significance and importance of the textile technique of knitting in the 21st century.”
exhibtions & scholarships
·“Hyperloops”, Maschenmuseum Albstadt
·SWR Television documentary “Denise Bettelyoun”
·“Maschenkunstwerke”,Kunst-Seminar Kloster Inzighofen
·“Fadenspiel” Kunst-Seminar Schloß Achberg
·Schloßführungen auf Schloß Lichtenstein
·“Threadening Subversion- Textile Art Activism for social change”
·Feministische Fakultät/ Schweiz “Apero Riche”
·Maschenkunstwerke Seminar/ Kloster Inzigkofen
·Amalie-Knit-Along II / Kloster Inzigkofen/ Interdisciplinary Textile Art Seminar
·Amalia-Knit-Along I / Kloster Inzigkofen/ Interdisciplinary Textile Art Seminar
·Hausbesuch - SWR Radio-Interview „Die Strickkünstlerin Denise Bettelyoun“
·Exhibition „Kritische Gestricke - Subversive Filze”/ Albgut Münsingen
·Exhibition „Maschinistin“ Professorium Würzburg
·Art Fair „Art Karlsruhe“ 2014 / Galerie Thomas Hühsam
·Art Fair „Art Karlsruhe“ 2013 / Galerie Thomas Hühsam
Lecture at the University of Stuttgart/ Institute of Art-History
·Exhibition „Tricoteuse“ Professorium Würzburg
·Art Fair: „Art Karlsruhe“ 2012/ Galerie Thomas Hühsam
·Lecture : „Künstlerisch-Wissenschaftliche Forschungsansätze“
Art-Institute at the Leibniz University of Hannover
·Exhibition: Art Karlsruhe 2011 / Galerie Thomas Hühsam
·Curator and participating artist of the exhibition „Entlang des Fadens“
/ dealing with the textile as the media of art andexhibiting famous
artists that work with the textile media and textiletechniques
in their artwork / Darmstadt
·Art Fair: „Art Karlsruhe 2010“/ Galerie Thomas Hühsam
·Exhibition „Kemenate Modern II“Culture-Summer-South-Hesse
·Scholarship of the Andrea von Braun Foundation for Interdisciplinary research
·Exhibition „News“ - Galerie Thomas Hühsam
·Exhibition „Kemenate Modern I“
·Art Fair: Art Karlsruhe
·„Tease“ Art Fair/Cologne

·Art-Scholarship of the Frankfurter Verein für Künstlerhilfe /
Patron being Dr. Klaus Gallwitz
·„Tease“ Art Fair/ Köln
·„Art Karlsruhe“ Art Fair 2008/ Galerie Thomas Hühsam
·Art Fair: „Art Karlsruhe 2007“/ Galerie Thomas Hühsam
·Art Fair: „4. Berliner Kunstsalon“/ Berlin
·„Maglieri“ / Netzwerk Offenbach
·Group-Exhibition „Künstler der Galerie“ - Galerie Thomas Hühsam/ Offenbach
·Exhibition „Kopfkino“ - Galerie Thomas Hühsam/ Offenbach
·Art Fair Cologne
·Exhibition: „OF-TH-10“ Galerie Thomas Hühsam/ Offenbach
·Art Fair: „Art Frankfurt 2005“ Netzwerk Offenbach/ Frankfurt a.M.
·Art Fair Cologne“ - Galerie Thomas Hühsam/ Köln
·Exhibition „The Art of Painting III - Nacht der Museen“ Fahrradhalle/ Offenbach
·Exhibition „Paddepootje“ Galerie Thomas Hühsa/ Offenbach
·Exhibition „The Art of Painting II- Nacht der Museen“ Fahrradhalle/ Offenbach
·Exhibition „ Rückblick“ - Elisabethen Stift/ Darmstadt
·Exhibition „Love“ Netzwerk/ Offenbach
·Exhibition „Kunstpositionen 2003/ 04“ Allgemeine HypothekenbankRheinboden“/ Frankfurt a.M.
·Exhibition „Here we come“: Exhibition at the Art-Museum of the Germa Cultural Ministry of the Republic of Germany / Capital Bonn
·Exhibition „Filz“ - Galerie Thomas Hühsam/ Offenbach
·„Europäische Filzkunst im 21. Jahrhundert: Design, Kunst,
·Kunsthandwerk“ -Exhibition at the following Museums:
Badisches Landesmuseums/ Karlsruhe; Deutsches Textilmuseum/Krefeld;
Landesmuseum für Vorgeschichte/ Dresden; DeutschesHirtenmuseum/ Hersbruck;
Craft Museum of Finland/ Jyväskylä; Jesuitenkirche
·Aschaffenburg-Catalogue „FILZ“/ Arnoldsche Publishers/ Stuttgart
·Exhibition: „Resumeé“ Kommunale Galerie/ Darmstadt.
·Catalogue „Resumeé 1999-2000”
·Exhibition „bleat II“ Kommunale Galerie/ Darmstadt. Catalogue „bleat II“
·Performance „TRAU-Projekt“ Exhibition „Dream City“ Artworks/ Munic
In cooperation with the artist Manfred Stumpf.
·Catalogue „Dream City-München“
·Exhibition and Performance „Erdstücke“ Kesselhaus Darmstadt
As Part of the Darmstädter Cultural-Weekend
·Art-Scholarship: „Charlotte Prinz Stipendium“ of the city of Darmstadt
·Scholarship: Johannes Mosbach Stiftung/ Frankfurt a.M.
·Exhibition „Wycieczka do Polski“ Art-Academy of Krakau/ Poland
·Exhibition „Bleat“ Arosa 2000 Galerie/ Frankfurt a. M.
·CD-Rom „Arosa Gardens“
·Art Fair: „Art Karlsruhe 2007“/ Galerie Thomas Hühsam
·Art Fair: „4. Berliner Kunstsalon“/ Berlin
·„Maglieri“ / Netzwerk Offenbach
·Group-Exhibition „Künstler der Galerie“ - Galerie Thomas Hühsam/ Offenbach
·Exhibition „Kopfkino“ - Galerie Thomas Hühsam/ Offenbach
·Art Fair Cologne
·Exhibition: „OF-TH-10“ Galerie Thomas Hühsam/ Offenbach
·Art Fair: „Art Frankfurt 2005“ Netzwerk Offenbach/ Frankfurt a.M.
·Art Fair Cologne“ - Galerie Thomas Hühsam/ Köln
·Exhibition „The Art of Painting III - Nacht der Museen“ Fahrradhalle/ Offenbach
·Exhibition „Paddepootje“ Galerie Thomas Hühsa/ Offenbach
·Exhibition „The Art of Painting II- Nacht der Museen“ Fahrradhalle/ Offenbach
·Exhibition „ Rückblick“ - Elisabethen Stift/ Darmstadt
·Exhibition „Love“ Netzwerk/ Offenbach
·Exhibition „Kunstpositionen 2003/ 04“ Allgemeine HypothekenbankRheinboden“/ Frankfurt a.M.
·Exhibition „Here we come“: Exhibition at the Art-Museum of the Germa Cultural Ministry of the Republic of Germany / Capital Bonn
·Exhibition „Filz“ - Galerie Thomas Hühsam/ Offenbach
·„Europäische Filzkunst im 21. Jahrhundert: Design, Kunst,
·Kunsthandwerk“ -Exhibition at the following Museums:
Badisches Landesmuseums/ Karlsruhe; Deutsches Textilmuseum/Krefeld;
Landesmuseum für Vorgeschichte/ Dresden; DeutschesHirtenmuseum/ Hersbruck;
Craft Museum of Finland/ Jyväskylä; Jesuitenkirche
·Aschaffenburg-Catalogue „FILZ“/ Arnoldsche Publishers/ Stuttgart
·Exhibition: „Resumeé“ Kommunale Galerie/ Darmstadt.
·Catalogue „Resumeé 1999-2000”
·Exhibition „bleat II“ Kommunale Galerie/ Darmstadt. Catalogue „bleat II“
·Performance „TRAU-Projekt“ Exhibition „Dream City“ Artworks/ Munic
In cooperation with the artist Manfred Stumpf.
·Catalogue „Dream City-München“
·Exhibition and Performance „Erdstücke“ Kesselhaus Darmstadt
As Part of the Darmstädter Cultural-Weekend
·Art-Scholarship: „Charlotte Prinz Stipendium“ of the city of Darmstadt
·Scholarship: Johannes Mosbach Stiftung/ Frankfurt a.M.
·Exhibition „Wycieczka do Polski“ Art-Academy of Krakau/ Poland
·Exhibition „Bleat“ Arosa 2000 Galerie/ Frankfurt a. M.
·CD-Rom „Arosa Gardens“
Professor Dr. Eva Koethen, Dean of the Institute of Art at the University of Hannover/ Germany